Sunday, June 29, 2008

More Pictures and an Update

These are a few pics from when I was in the city with my sister. She took these while she was under and overhang and I was standing in the rain under my umbrella waiting for it to stop raining so we could walk another block before it would start again! This rain is not like anything in rained so hard for a long time and the lighting was BIG and the thunder was LOUD!! And it was still like 85 degrees outside, but it was alot of fun!

At least we were on Fifth Avenue trying to see cool stuff, it was just raining to hard to get anywhere :(

I haven't written in awhile. I have been very busy with the kids. Working basically 7-7 Monday thru Friday and getting the weekends off. The kids are great and a lot of fun, they just take alot of time and energy. If I can do this (basically being the mom) with kids that are not my own, I now know that I can handle having kids myself...not that I have ever had any doubts!! :)

We have gotten to know the area pretty well. We have found all the fun parks, the grocery stores, the doctor (we already had to take little Tristan to the doctor, he had Roseola AKA German measles, and Sebastien had to get a nut allergy panel done...he is allergic to peanuts, cashews and pistachios). They have met a few neighbor friends already and are starting to feel like this is home. I have had a blast being in a new place and learning what its like to live on the east coast, and starting to understand some of the stories my Dad tells me about how it was growing up "back east".

Amelie starts camp tomorrow full time monday-friday and the boys start on tuesday half days tuesday-thursday. So the schedlue will get a little bit easier. Tuesday-Thursday I will get 8-12am off, after I get them out the door and before they need to be picked up, still working full time monday and friday. It should be a little bit easier on me for the last 2 weeks that I am here.

This weekend I am going up to Connecticut to visit my dads best friend Bobby McGinnis. They grew up together since they were 6 months old so he is going to show me where my father grew up and where they went to school and some other land marks that I have always heard my dad talk about, but have never gotten to see. I am looking forward to it very much, and it will be fun to get away for a few days. I hope to see some good fireworks on the fourth and I will definitely enjoy having ice cream at the famous Friendly's!!!

As of tonight I am scheduled to come home July 15th and I can't wait to see everyone. I miss you all and hope everything is going well back in California. Everyone that is in town should go to the fair and enjoy it for me, this is the first summer of my life that I don't get to go to the Del Mar fair. Eat lots of food for me!! I love you and will try to write again soon!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Boys in the Bath!!!

Bath time for the twins! They are so cute!

Sebastien with the cutest little smile :)

What did I do? He is very mischievous most of the time, but so cute!

Sebastien had to use his sisters towel...they are adorable! Tristan loves watching his brother, I can never get him to look at the camera!
They were both laughing when I said, "Cheese"!!

New York City Pics!!

Here are a bunch of pictures from my day in the city with my sister this past weekend!! Enjoy!

Taking the subway was pretty coolStature of Liberty from the Staten Island was a hazy day

From on top of the Empire State Building

Me on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building, sort of a bad picture!

It is kind of hard to tell, but that gap kind of in the middle right is where the Twin Towers were...
Time Square pictures!!

I couldn't help but take a picture of this Pub, I saw it walking down the street! And if you don't get it then you don't know me very well...I'm a twin and Irish!!!

Empire State Building in the distance between two other buildings!

A Few East Hampton Pics

This is the beautiful house of Nicole's parents in East Hampton that we stayed in for 10 days before moving into the house in Larchmont. This is from the back!

And this is their private beach about 200 yards from their house, amazing!!!
Amelie by the pool, not quite looking at me but it is still a very cute picture!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So my sister Shiloh was here in NY for work, so this weekend on my days off I decided to take the train into Manhattan. I got to Grand Central Station and we decided that we wanted to go to Times Square first and about 20 minutes after I got there it started to pour. Rain like I haven't seen in a very long time. So I bought an umbrella from a guy on the street for $5 and tried to keep going. Then we found the H&M and we ended up staying in there for about 2 hours. Then we went back to the RV where she was staying and decided we would get up in the morning and see more exciting places.

Sunday, we got up and took the bus into the city. I did a little bit of souviner shopping and then it stopped raining for awhile so we headed to the Empire State Building. Shiloh stayed at the bottom and I paid the $20 to go to the 86th floor. It was awesome! I could see everything from up there!! Then we took the Staten Island Ferry, which is FREE, and we went right past the Statue of Liberty so I could take picutes, it is pretty amazing. By the time we got back I was very tired(you have to walk alot in NY) and decided I should get on the subway and head for Grand Central Station to catch my bus back to Larchmont.

I have lots of pictures from the past 2 weeks of the kids and from the city, but the auto shippers still have not brought their cars and the wireless router is in the car. So I cannot connect to the internet from my computer for a few more days. Once it is here I will upload all the pics!!

I miss you all very much and love you!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Week!!

So the first week was pretty fun! I had monday off and then it was back to watching the crazy kids!! Tuesday-Thursday it was kind of rainy and overcast and the weather wasn't very nice. So we took the kids to this fun Children's museum like 15 minutes away to occupy them in the morning. They are really good kids and very cute!! Then I had Friday-Sunday off and it has been great. Friday I went to the mall, which is very small and I just got a few little things. Then yesterday I went and laid on the beach for a few hours. it was so pretty, I got burnt tho!! My back looks like a lobster, but it is already turning tan so that is good. Then today I am just relaxing. I slept in, got up and ate and I have been reading and watching TV.

I have pictures, but the internet here is horrible so it is taking way to long to upload them. When we move to the actual house on Thurday or Friday it will be better, so I will add them all them. It will take long, because I will have all teh pics from the beginning but I will explain everything. Miss everyone! Love you all and talk to you soon!

Monday, June 2, 2008


So I made it to Mill Valley on Friday morning about 10:30 am and pretty much took the kids to the park right away. Friday and Saturday were busy with the kids, and Nicole and Samie packed everything up. Then we got picked up at 9 am sunday morning and started our trip to the airport. We checked all our bags and got to the gate in plenty of time. We boarded and then took off at 11:45ish.

The plane ride wasn't bad at all. I started out with Tristan who was an angel. He ate and then went to sleep for 2+ hours. Sebastien was crazy the whole time, only slept an hour, was wanting a new toy every five minutes and really enjoyed running up and down the aisle. Amelie was well behaved as well. We landed, got the car and then started the drive to East Hampton. We got to Nicole's parents house at 11:00 eastern time and put everyone to bed. The adults ate a quick dinner and headed to bed shortly after. I was very exhausted and fell asleep right away.

Today I have the day off. I slept til 10:00am eastern time and then I headed into town to get to know where everything was. I bought a book, looked around the very expensive stores and then headed back to the house.

Then I walked about 200 yards, between some bushes and through a gate and I was at their private beach. I read for about 3o minutes and then fell asleep for 1 1/2 hours. It was great and I got some sun on my arms and legs. It is beautiful here and warm. It is very nice. Then we all went to the store so I could get the food I like and then came back.

Everything has been great and I will write again soon!! I love you all and miss everyone!

Talk to you soon!